Friday 2 January 2015

Never stop reminding to all my brothers...

Praise be to Allaah ...

Never stop reminding to all my brothers...

‪#‎Alhamdulillâh‬... another ‪#‎Jumuah‬ (‪#‎Friday‬
- The master of all days, has come again !!!
Don't pass the day without doing many good ‪#‎deeds‬ & getting loads of ‪#‎Rewards‬! MashaAllaah!

Here are the ‪#‎sunnahs‬ you can do today: !! [‪#‎REMINDER‬] :

1 - ‪#‎Praying‬ ‪#‎Fajr‬ in ‪#‎congregation‬ [al-Bayhaqi, classed as ‪#‎shaheeh‬ by al-Albaani,1119)
2. - Before and during ‪#‎Salaat‬ Al-Jumu'ah (Friday prayer).
a. Bathing on the day of Jumuah
[‪#‎Bukhari‬ & ‪#‎Muslim‬ : 1951 & 977]
b. Going early to Jumuah ‪#‎prayer‬
[Bukhari & Muslim : 929 & 1964]
c. Walks to Jumuah prayer [al - Tirmidhi : 496]
d. Listening attentively to the Jumu'ah ‪#‎Khutbah‬(sermon) [al-Bukhari 934 & Muslim 851]
3. Seeking the hour of having one's prayer answered on #Jumuah day [Bukhari & Muslim : 935 : 1969]
4. Reading Surah ‪#‎Al_Kahf‬ [al-Haakim, 2/399; al Bayhaqi, 3/249]
5. Sends ‪#‎blessing‬ on the ‪#‎Prophet‬ Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassalaam) 
[Ibn Majah 1085, Abu Dawud 1047]

The FRIDAY PRAYER is congregation in an OBLIGATION on every single Muslim, 
EXCEPT for four :
- An owised slave
- Woman
- A child 
- A sick person
(Abu Dawud)

Dont forget come earlier, find and get rewards
Reported by Abu Huraira (RA) : The Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلام said ; 

"When it is #Friday, the angels stand at the gate of masjid (mosque) and keep on writing the names of person coming to the masjid in succession according of thier arrivals.

The example of the one who enter the masjid in the earliest hour is that offering a Camel (in sacrifice), the one coming next is like one offering a Cow, and then Ram, and then a Chicken and then an Egg respectively when the Imaam comes out (for) ‪#‎Jummah‬ Prayer the (i.e Angels) fold their papers and listen to the Khutba (good sermon) (#Bukhari vol. 2 Book 13 #51)

May Allaah accept our ibadah

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