Monday 8 December 2014


The proportion of Rain

The Quran, in the following verse, tells us that the rain is sent down to earth in due measure:

“It is He who sends down water in due measure
from the sky by which He brings a dead land
back to life. That is how you too will be raised 
(from the dead).” (43:11)

The modern science has discovered the measured quantity in rain. They have estimated that in one second, approximately 16 million tons of water evaporates from the earth, i.e., 513 trillion tons of water in one year. This number is equal to the amount of rain that falls on the Earth in a year. This means that water constantly circulates in a balanced cycle, in a “measure”.

The rain keeps falling every year in exactly the same quantity as revealed in the Quran. This is yet another great miracle of the Quran and a “food for thought” for the non-Muslims.
(from Shaukat Ameen’s book “Islam, A scientifically proven religion.

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